The Project

Everything for New Build Project

Project Status

Feasibility Study

The development of  the ‘Feasibulity study for construction of a new nuclear power plant at the site of Kozloduy NPP’ is entrusted to the Westinghouse Electric Spain.

The aim of the analysis is to provide objective information on the achieved level of safety, technical characteristics, socio-economic performance and cost-effectiveness of the construction of a new nuclear power pland at Kozloduy NPP site. The analysis takes into account the different possibilities in terms of the two options for realization of the investment intention :

– VVER-based construction with the maximum utilization of the manufactured and purchased equipment of the ” nuclear island “of Belene NPP;

– Construction based on a completely new project ( one / two units ) based on PWR – technology licensed in the country of production. The feasibility study should evaluate the suitability of the site, the expected generation and management of RAW and SNF, the use of existing infrastructure and equipment, licensing, local economic aspects, and the economic efficiency of PWR – the currently available options, as well as suggest and analyzes assumptions for designing a financial model of the project .

 Four potential sites for the deployment of a new nuclear power plant were considered in order to justify the most appropriate one and to be taken the right decision.

The assessment of the sites and reuse of the existing facilities, as well as in the preparation of the economic analysis, are taken into account an option with the construction of two units, and with the construction of a single unit. The proposed reactors models AP 1000, BBEР 1200/AES 2006 and VVER 1000/AES 92 are assessed in their economic and technical aspects, also their compatibility with the conditions for connection to the electricity system and the applicable international standards and rules. The established requirements were also taken into account after the events in Fukushima on 11 March 2011 by taking into account additional measures related to ensuring the reliability of accidents, such as additional measures for the use of passive safety systems that do not rely on power supply; resistance to external hazards of natural or human origin; additional means of protecting spent fuel.

The main result of the analysis is that the basic and additional safety principles in the investigated reactor models are achieved to the highest degree.

In summary, the Feasibility study gives basic information and conclusions, which are related to:

  • Determination of engineering, technical and environmental parameters
  • Analysis of existing and need for new and/or replacement power capacities, prospects for new energy technologies, capacity/transmission capacities, transformation of the electricity markets;
  • A preferred site with regard to the connections that are supposed to be made to the existing infrastructure and the positioning of the new nuclear power plant at the site, supported by economic justification;
  • Assessment of the total impact of nuclear facilities at the Kozloduy NPP site. Cumulative effect and radiological capacity of the site. Comparative analysis of the proposed sites from the point of view of nuclear safety and radiological protection;
  • Potential reactor models for the construction of new nuclear power capacity – technical and economical characteristics, performance options;
  • Assessment of the effective use of the full capacity and capabilities of the available infrastructure on the site of Kozloduy NPP;
  • Compliance of the reactor models in question with the requirements for nuclear safety, radiation protection and physical protection – responding to the basic principles, functions and safety objectives;
  • Trends regarding the evolution of nuclear safety and radiation protection requirements as a consequence of the Fukushima events;
  • Nuclear fuel cycle, including expected generation and management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.
  • Defining economic, legal and social aspects and parameters
  • Socio-economic effects of the construction of a new nuclear power plant; economic evaluation of implementation of both alternatives; comparative analysis – advantages and challenges for the realization of different alternatives for building the new nuclear power plant at the site of Kozloduy NPP;

According to the Feasibility study, the construction of a new nuclear power plant at the site of Kozloduy NPP is engineering, technical, environmentally and economically possible in the implementation of any of the two alternatives-maximum use of the equipment produced for the nuclear power plant for Belene NPP site or building nuclear units based on new project at Kozloduy NPP site.