The Company
Everything for NPP Kozloduy New Build“Kozloduy NPP – New Builds” PLC is a single public limited company established In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria and is registered in the Commercial Register of the Registry Agency on 09.05.2012.
The Mission of the Company is to manage a project for commissioning a new nuclear power unit for the production of electricity and heat, which will contribute to the implementation of the common European and State policy to improve the energy supply, ensuring energy security of the system and moving towards a low-carbon economy.
The mission will be implemented through compliance with the basic principles of good corporate governance and business practices, as well as achieving a sustainable and balanced interaction between the management of the company, the owners and all interested parties, by complying with the highest standards of good professional and managerial practices, nuclear safety and radiation protection of the population and the environment introduced by the International Atomic Energy Agency (“IAEA”), the European Union (“EU”) and the Republic of Bulgaria.
The main target of Kozloduy NPP – New Builds PLC is to organize and manage the whole process of feasibility study, design, construction and commissioning of a new nuclear energy power capacity of the latest generation (III or III +) at the site of Kozloduy NPP, with a presuurized water reactor technology PWR), with an installed electrical output of about 1200 MW (“Investment intention” or the Project).
The management of the Company implements an aggressive strategy for realization of the investment intent through reasonable optimum costs and maintaining moderate levels of financial risk, with optimal use of the available human and financial resources of the Company anthe sole owner of the capital.
The Board of Directors implements the overall management of the Company, observing high norms of professional ethics. In its daily activities are applied the highest standards of nuclear safety and radiation protection of the population, and are ensured safe working conditions of the staff.